We're Doing Life Together!
Acts 2:46-47
Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.

Just for You
Mens Group
Monday 6:30pm
Where you will be challenged to grow in godly character and are encouraged to make changes in yourselves and your family’s lives that will last a lifetime.
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17
Woman to Woman
Regular Meetings
You can choose from three of our regular gatherings or attend them all!
Tuesday 11am - Support/Devotion/Prayer
Wednesday 6:30pm - Bible Study
Potluck Breakfast 9am - 2nd Saturday of each month
Tuesday 11am - Support/Devotion/Prayer
Wednesday 6:30pm - Bible Study
Potluck Breakfast 9am - 2nd Saturday of each month
Wednesday Night
This a a good time to bring the whole family!
Kids & Youth may participate in classes especially for them.
Ladies, this is your night to join our Woman to Woman Bible Study 6:30pm
Men, this is an opportunity for you to serve the children. Teach-Mentor-Play!
Kids & Youth may participate in classes especially for them.
Ladies, this is your night to join our Woman to Woman Bible Study 6:30pm
Men, this is an opportunity for you to serve the children. Teach-Mentor-Play!
Young Adults
Bible Class & Special Events
Bible Class meets Sunday mornings at 9:15 am.
Come learn the Bible and fellowship with a group of your peers.
Lots of laughs along with friendships being built!
Connect with our Young Adults Ministry Director: Christine Kesterson
Come learn the Bible and fellowship with a group of your peers.
Lots of laughs along with friendships being built!
Connect with our Young Adults Ministry Director: Christine Kesterson

Christine Kesterson
Young Adults Ministry Director
Church Community Groups
Get Connected. Develop Relationships. Have Fun!
You want deeper, more meaningful friendships with other Christians? This may be just what you're looking for! We want to give you that opportunity by providing a variety of fun activities that are designed to get you connected.
Sunday School Classes
Want to attend a Bible class? Be a part of the discussion and ask any questions you may have as we search the scriptures together. This is a great opportunity for you to get some meaningful Bible study in and enjoy getting to know others in a smaller group setting.