How it all started...
In June of 1989 a group of families in the Delta area began meeting with Lanny Kilgore for prayer and guidance with regard to starting a new non-denominational church. The group met in a trailer owned by Mr. Neal Sunday along Paper Mill Rd, Delta. A steering committee was formed and wrote a constitution and bylaws by which the church would be organized. The steering committee called Pastor Lanny D. Kilgore to be its pastor.
Pastor Kilgore was a graduate of Lancaster Bible College, Lancaster Theological Seminary and Millersville State University. He previously served the Airville Charge of the United Methodist Church as Director of Ministries.
On August 13,1989 the first Sunday worship service was conducted and opened to the public. The services were held in the Welsh Rehoboth Chapel on Main Street Delta. The chapel was rented to NCCC for use on Sunday mornings. Ninety-two individuals attended the first service. The church grew and additional space was rented from the Peach- Bottom Building Authority to allow the Sunday School to meet in the Delta Community Building. In October 1990 a charter membership was formed. In January 1990 the first congregational meeting was held, and its members elected 3 elders and an Official Board which assumed the leadership of the church.
Pastor Kilgore was a graduate of Lancaster Bible College, Lancaster Theological Seminary and Millersville State University. He previously served the Airville Charge of the United Methodist Church as Director of Ministries.
On August 13,1989 the first Sunday worship service was conducted and opened to the public. The services were held in the Welsh Rehoboth Chapel on Main Street Delta. The chapel was rented to NCCC for use on Sunday mornings. Ninety-two individuals attended the first service. The church grew and additional space was rented from the Peach- Bottom Building Authority to allow the Sunday School to meet in the Delta Community Building. In October 1990 a charter membership was formed. In January 1990 the first congregational meeting was held, and its members elected 3 elders and an Official Board which assumed the leadership of the church.

Expanding the vision...
On January 31, 1993 the congregation moved its worship service from the Rehoboth Chapel into the Delta Community building. An eight-acre tract of land was found for sale at the corner of Slab and Thompson Road, Delta Pa. The ground was purchased debt free on July 12, 1993. A building committee began the process of designing a multi-purpose building which would facilitate worship, recreation, and fellowship. A groundbreaking ceremony was held on Nov 15, 1993. The building was partially completed and occupied for the first worship service on May 1, 1994. The interior construction of the building was completed by the members and friends of the church with the assistance of a neighbor, Mr. Warren Williams.
Where we are headed...
New Covenant Community Church is a non-denominational church with a heart for missions and worship. It is evangelical and conservative in doctrine. The congregation of NCCC is made up of people from many different backgrounds and religious experiences. A common faith in Jesus Christ and the Scriptures are unifying factors.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather for Sunday School at 9:15 a.m. and the worship service at 10:30 a.m.